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Frequently Asked
What is Gaia Card?🌍 Hi! We're Gaia - the world's first clean membership platform 🌱 Our mission? To make a better world for all ❤️ 💰 We help you save money with discounts 🌿 We reduce your carbon footprint with sustainable brands 👍 You can shop guilt-free and give back with us! We give back 10% of our profits to charity and local initiatives. 🛍️ Access up to 50% off a range of products and services, both online and offline. We have ethical coffee shops, zero-waste stores, vegan restaurants, sustainable alternatives, fitness and health, gyms, chiro, yoga and much more! 🌳 Log your savings, track your impact and grow your own forest with our tree planting schemes 🌳 We plant 5 trees per month per member!
Why do we do this?At Gaia, Our goal is to speed up the shift towards a sustainable and healthy future, while mitigating the damaging effects of consumerism. We believe that every individual has a role to play in making this vision a reality, and that starts with the choices we make as consumers. That's why we created the Gaia Card - to encourage more responsible consumption habits and support businesses that are committed to reducing their environmental impact and giving back to their community. We want to make sustainable living more accessible, affordable, and enjoyable for everyone. We know that even small changes in our daily routines can have a significant impact when done collectively. That's why we focus on practical, straightforward solutions that empower individuals to take meaningful action towards a better future. We're proud to partner with brands that share our values and are dedicated to making a positive impact on the planet and its inhabitants. Together, we can create a world that is healthier, more sustainable, and more equitable for all.
How do I join?You can join Gaia Card by visiting the website and selecting a membership plan. Once you've signed up, you get instant access to offers with your digital membership, and if requested you'll receive a physical card in the mail.
What types of offers do you get?Gaia Card offers discounts and deals on products and services from a variety of sustainable brands in industries such coffee shops, zero waste, restaurants, products, gyms, health and much much more browse offers here
Can I use my Gaia Card 7 days a week?Yes, you can use your Gaia Card any day of the week.
How much on average can a Gaia Membership save me every month?You can log your savings in your online membership. The amount of money saved through Gaia Card varies depending on the offers and discounts available, but members can save an average of £35.52 per month.
How does Gaia help me reduce my carbon footprint?Gaia helps you reduce your carbon footprint by promoting sustainable consumer choices. By using your Gaia Card to purchase products and services from sustainable brands, you are supporting businesses that prioritise reducing their environmental impact. These brands may use eco-friendly materials, reduce waste, use renewable energy sources, and implement other sustainable practices. By reducing your consumption of products with negative environmental impacts and supporting sustainable businesses, you can help reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future. Additionally, Gaia plants trees through its partnership with, which helps sequester carbon from the atmosphere and support reforestation efforts.
What are Gaia's environmental goals?Gaia's environmental goals include reducing waste and promoting sustainable practices in industries such as fashion, food, and wellness. Our goals are to inspire one million better choices, plant one million trees by 2024, invest more than £10,000 in ocean clean-ups, and keep our beaches, forests, and towns clean.
Is the card real wood?Yes, the Gaia Card is made of real wood, depending on the membership you choose. The card comes in three different wood options: bamboo, cherry, and birch. These materials are renewable resources and environmentally friendly alternatives to traditional plastics. They are also known for their durability, which means the card can be used multiple times and still hold up well. Choosing sustainable materials like bamboo, cherry, and birch wood is a positive step towards reducing our impact on the environment.
Where are my trees planted?Gaia Card plants trees in partnership with the Eden Reforestation Projects, a non-profit organisation that specialises in reforestation efforts. The specific type of trees planted may vary based on the needs of the local ecosystem, but we are currently focus on planting mangroves in areas that have lost mangrove forests due to deforestation, coastal development, and natural disasters. Each Gaia Card membership plants 5 trees per month through this partnership, which helps to sequester carbon from the atmosphere and support reforestation efforts in areas of need.
How does Gaia give back to the community?Gaia Card is committed to giving back to the community in multiple ways. In addition to partnering with sustainable brands and planting trees through its partnership with the Eden Reforestation Projects, Gaia Card is involved in several local initiatives. They work with businesses in the background to help them become more sustainable, and they conduct their own beach, town, and forest clean-ups. These clean-up initiatives not only help to preserve the natural beauty of the area but also contribute to a sense of community pride and engagement. Gaia Card has also pledged to donate a portion of its profits to various environmental and social causes. Some of the causes they support include the Bournemouth Food Bank, the Dorset Wildlife Trust, and the Ocean Cleanup. Finally, Gaia Card is heavily involved with the local university, working to promote sustainable practices and engage students in environmental initiatives. Through these efforts, Gaia Card is helping to create a more sustainable and equitable world.
How does Gaia pick its partners?Gaia Card carefully selects its partners based on a set of criteria that focuses on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability. Before partnering with a brand, Gaia Card requires that they pass a minimum requirement that ensures they meet certain sustainability and ethical standards. Gaia Card seeks to partner with businesses that share its values and commitment to sustainability, and that can offer its members discounts on products or services that align with these values. By partnering with sustainable brands, Gaia Card is working to create a more sustainable and equitable economy.
What offers do I get with my Gaia Card?We provide a variety of discounts on sustainable, zero waste, plastic-free, and reusable products. We partner with B-Corp certified brands that are ethical, cruelty-free, and have a purpose-driven mission, as well as small, independent, and local businesses. We also offer discounts on vegan and vegetarian options and provide deals on health and fitness products such as nutrition, vitamins, organic and natural remedies, gyms, chiropractors, yoga, and outdoor activities. By offering these discounts, we are encouraging our members to live a more sustainable and healthy lifestyle.
Where is Gaia available?Currently, Gaia is available in Dorset and we have loads of online brands (so technically can use this anywhere). However, we are constantly expanding to other cities and regions to make our sustainable and eco-friendly products more accessible to people all over the UK. Keep an eye out for updates on new locations where Gaia will be available.
Are there online brands?Yes, there are plenty of online brands to choose from with Gaia Card. We partner with a variety of sustainable and eco-friendly online retailers to provide our members with a wide range of options for their sustainable shopping needs. Some of our online partners include eco-friendly clothing brands, zero waste and plastic-free stores, sustainable home goods retailers, deodorants, and more. You can browse all of our online partners and their offers on our website.
How do I cancel my membership?You can cancel your membership by logging into your account on the Gaia Card website and following the instructions provided. Any issues please email
How do I replace my lost or stolen card?To replace a lost or stolen card, contact Gaia Card customer service for assistance. There is a £10 charge for a new card so please keep this safe! Please email
I can't access the online codes?If you're having trouble accessing online codes, contact Gaia Card customer service for assistance. Contact
How can Gaia make me more sustainable?Gaia Card offers its members a variety of discounts and offers on sustainable and eco-friendly products and services, making it easier and more affordable to make sustainable choices in daily life. By using your Gaia Card to shop with our sustainable partners, you can reduce your environmental impact and support businesses that prioritize sustainability. Additionally, Gaia Card plants five trees per member per month with Eden Reforestation Projects, helping to mitigate carbon emissions and support reforestation efforts. By being a member of Gaia Card, you can be part of a community that values sustainability and works towards creating a more sustainable future.
How is Gaia a sustainable brand?Gaia prioritizes sustainable practices in its own operations, such as using recycled materials and offsetting carbon emissions. Gaia Card is a sustainable brand that is committed to reducing its carbon footprint and promoting sustainability in all aspects of its business. We use only sustainable suppliers, such as those who provide eco-friendly materials and have ethical labor practices, and they carefully select partners who share their commitment to sustainability. Gaia Card also plants 5 trees per month per member through their partnership with the Eden Reforestation Projects, and conducts regular beach, town, and forest cleanups. Additionally, the Gaia Card provides its members with discounts on sustainable and ethical products and services, which encourages them to make more environmentally conscious choices. By promoting sustainability in all areas of their business, Gaia Card is making a positive impact on the planet and working towards a more sustainable future.
How many times can I use an offer?Usually infinitely but the number of times an offer can be used varies depending on the specific offer and participating business.
Does my Gaia Card work for delivery?It depends on the specific offer and participating business. Some offers may be valid for delivery, while others may not be.
I have had problems claiming a Gaia Card offer, who should I contact for help?If you're having trouble claiming an offer, contact Gaia Card customer service for assistance. Please email
How do I log into my Gaia Card account?To log into your Gaia Card account, simply go to the Gaia Card website and click on the "Login" button in the top right corner. Then enter your email address and password. Or simply click here
What should I do if I can't remember my password?If you can't remember your password, click on the "Forgot Password" link on the login page. You will then be prompted to enter your email address, and instructions on resetting your password will be sent to your email.
How can I unsubscribe from marketing emails from Gaia Card?To unsubscribe from marketing emails from Gaia Card, scroll to the bottom of the email and click on the "unsubscribe" link. Alternatively, you can email and request to be removed from the mailing list.
How do I update my contact details on my Gaia Card account?To update your contact details on your Gaia Card account, log in to your account and click on the "My Account" button in the top right corner. Then click on the "Edit Profile" button and make the necessary changes.
Where can I find the terms and conditions for using Gaia Card?You can find the terms and conditions for using Gaia Card by clicking on the "Terms & Conditions" link at the bottom of the Gaia Card website.
Can't be asked to read - watch this video about Gaia
My membership has expired, how do I renew it?To renew your membership, log in to your Gaia Card account and click on the "Renew" button. Then follow the instructions to complete the renewal process.
When can I expect to receive my Gaia Card after signing up?You can expect to receive your Gaia Card within 5-7 business days after signing up. If you have not received your card within this timeframe, please email for assistance.
A story about AvaOnce upon a time, there was a woman named Ava who loved to shop. She was always on the lookout for the latest fashion trends and gadgets. However, she also had a nagging feeling of guilt whenever she made a purchase, knowing that her consumerism was contributing to the planet's environmental problems. One day, while browsing the internet, Ava stumbled upon the Gaia Card. It promised guilt-free shopping, reducing her carbon footprint, and saving money on the things she loved the most. Intrigued, Ava decided to give it a try. As she began using the Gaia Card, Ava discovered a whole new world of eco-friendly brands that she had never heard of before. She learned about companies that were committed to reducing their environmental impact and creating sustainable products. She started buying organic foods and products with minimal packaging, which helped her reduce her waste. Ava also began to explore the world of plant-based eating, using the Gaia Card to save money on vegan products. She discovered that reducing her animal product consumption not only benefited the environment but also had positive effects on her health. The more Ava used the Gaia Card, the more she realised that small changes collectively made a big difference. She felt empowered to make sustainable choices, and it gave her a sense of purpose knowing that she was doing her part in protecting the planet. Ava's new shopping habits allowed her to save money while also making a positive impact on the environment. She felt good knowing that she was supporting companies that shared her values and that her purchases were helping to make a difference. In the end, Ava realised that the Gaia Card wasn't just a tool for guilt-free shopping, but it was a way of life. She continued to use the card, discovering new brands and products that aligned with her values. She felt proud of the positive impact she was making on the planet and looked forward to continuing her journey towards a more sustainable future.
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